So here we are….

Ty and I find ourself in a small rough pub in High Wycombe in the UK drinkin a warm pint of the local house ale sitting by the window picking up someone elses wireless! You Beauty!! Here are a couple of pics from the last bit of Europe which i didnt get a chance to post before!


In Slovakia they name their chips after the country, pretty cool – pretty plain flavoured though!


In Slovakia they dont mind telling you a few places to go!! Just a bit of a sign post i say!


Stu and I went all out and bought a little tasty number! Banana and chocolate icecream for 60 cents! Bargain Hunter! Just to inform you all that the chocolate was ok, but the banana won the cake for most flavour, balance of sweetness and texture. YUM!


Parked at a rest stop, 80% rum isn’t being touched by me this tour, although i can still admire a tasty truck. 


With my back to the Stroh 80 truck, i took this photo. This is my favourite photo of tour so far, really sums up a big part of what we do.


Might be hard to tell from this shot. But in Europe its fairly common to find toilets like these (this one was in Vienna i think), but the surface of the bowl is FLAT! So when say a number two gets ejected, it sits upon the Flat spot, and after you flush it then go’s into the bottom flush away section. Its said that the number 2 sits there underneath you so that when you get up, you can check for worms! Interesting i thought, (and extra stinky!!!)


This is a choice of tour pit stops! The boys getting in touch with a picturesque setting! Some a bit eager than others!


Final euro pic. In Leipzig we played a ‘beatdown’ show in a Cave! When we loaded in the air was cold and very clean. That show was officially the hottest show ive ever played!! The roof was dripping with condensation on us during the set, and i went outside after the show to dry my guitar with a towel and actually felt like the guitar and I had got just got out of a shower!

UK – So we travelled over night from Kassel to Brighton which was about a 9 hour drive (with a 2hour sleep stop for our driver), i couldnt sleep because i was at my peak of the sickness (recently bought cold and flu and within a day feel heaps better!). On the trip we had to catch another ferry , which was ALOT nicer than the other one we caught. Had a great meal of Boiled potatoes, carrots, mushy peas, beans, bread roll and gravy for 1.35 euros! Beauty! 

A decent drive after feeling slightly sea sick (i think due to flu as well) we reached Brighton. Went for a big walk and ate Red Veg (Vegan burger place that we’ve visited a few times before) and caught up with our old mates the Dead Swans. Great to say a few of the boys! We played the show which went down fairly well, we had the biggest response but Brighton is well known for being subdude. Europe is amazing for shows, food and hospitality, back to reality in the UK! Ahhh well!

~ by dizzydtd on May 6, 2009.

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